Yet another cold morning with temperatures again around 7 degrees. I did a quick sea watch from Anchor Head until 7am that yielded 2 Greylag Geese and 3 Gannets heading up river. After breakfast under a clear sky, lighter winds and warmer temperatures it was back to Sand Point for some Botany. New plants for the year were Common Mouse-ear and Red Campion.
Whilst looking for Glanville Fritillary I disturbed a moth that to my surprise turned out to be a Burnet Companion. This is the first site record of this species and a new moth for me. Also whilst on the slope
Glyphipterix simpliciella was found on Oxeye Daisy and Common Carpet was also disturbed from the footpath.
In Sand Bay I found my first Wasp Beetle, a species I have never seen before. Back home it didn't take long to find out what it was on the internet.
Burnet Companion |
Wasp Beetle |