This bryophyte I had a go at from the Garden Bioblitz as it was in a flower pot in my garden. As I found out during the process Bryum's are a tricky group and not really for beginners. However I persevered.
I listed the possibilities based on distribution and then eliminated one by one:
pallens - Leaves wrong colour although there is a green form.
capillare - Leaves twisted when dry
donianum - Leaves curl when dry
caespiticium - A likely candidate
pseudotriquetrum - Leaf has margin.
dichotomum - Setae less than 15mm (mine measures 35mm)
argenteum - Round leaf
radiculosum - Has tubers
rubens - Has tubers
Bryum caespiticium spores |
Bryum caespiticium leaf |
Bryum caespiticium sporophyte |
Bryum caespiticium peristome |