Photo: Grey Seal Brean Down.
Brean Down: 1 Grey Seal in waters south of the fort. Mute Swan herd up from last weeks 45 to 60.
Axe Estuary: 51 knot, 2,000 teal (numbers here were considerably less during the week. They sometimes sit half a mile out to sea in Weston bay when flushed), 20 snipe.
Weston bay: Gull roost difficult to count but estimated numbers 5,000 Black-headed Gulls, 3,000 Herring Gulls, 1,500 Common Gulls, 300 Lesser Black-back Gulls. In the flock a bird similar to the one on the end of Brean Down with a dark hood and breast ending with a breast band. In flight it had a white tail with a dark band which was thicker towards the outer edge of the tail. The upper wing pattern was also distinctive with contrasting pale grey inner primaries to the darker outer primaries. The bill was pinkish with a dark tip. The mantle was darker having a more glossy look. My conclusion so far is second winter argentatus.
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