Pied Wagtail

Golden Plover

Brean Down: 7.5mph NNW wind, 42f (36f wind chill). A big Meadow Pipit push this morning between 6:40 and 8:40. Flocks mainly around 3 to 20 birds but 2 flocks of 60 went through. One of the alba wagtails was identified as Pied from photos. Nearly all passerines were again coming in from the south-east and heading NNW out to sea over Weston Bay. Totals: 991 individuals, 12 species, 2:00 hours which includes 760 Meadow Pipits.
Birds on the move in Northern Europe today included 2,700 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 10 Sandwich Tern, 39 Red Kite, 98 Crane and 2 Whimbrel
Excellent count of Mipits Paul! I missed any early Mipit rush there may have been on my patch at Lutley this a.m, but no sign of any continuing passage here late am, maybe tommorow!
ReplyDeletehi Craig,
ReplyDeletewe had a good headwind for them this morning which they like down here. unfortunately it's set to swing south-westerly tomorrow so i'm not expecting a repeat. all the best, Paul